Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Checkpoint Styles of Love

The two styles of love I chose to cover are game-playing love (ludus) and selfless love (agape). I choose these particular two styles of love because I have experience them or know someone close to me who has been in a relationship of this kind. Game-playing love; one does not completely commit to one person; they have a main partner but still do whatever they like. A game-playing love relationship is not healthy and leads to unhappiness. In the reading, it states that game-playing is one reason relationships come to an end.For example: my male cousin cannot be serious with a female if someone gave him a million dollars. It is something about commitment that just does not agree with him. Because of game-playing ways he can keep a relationship and has multiple children from multiple women and he still continues to be a â€Å"player. † Selfless love occurs when one thinks only of his or her partner’s happiness and puts his or her own needs last. Couples with this type of love, according to the reading, last a long time.I must admit that I am like this with my fiance’. We both have selfless love for one another and our love has been strong for four years and will continue. This type of relationship is a perfect example of no â€Å"I† in â€Å"we. † The more we are together the stronger our love grows. Game-playing love and selfless love has no similarities. They are the opposite of each other. Game-playing is basically when one plays games with someone else’s heart (ludus) and selfless love is serious and one’s heart is wide open (agape).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

John Edwards Essay

On the eve of Super Tuesday, there is one notable figure that is absent on the Democratic Ticket: John Edwards. To the dismay of some and to the delight of others, John Edwards recently dropped out of the Presidential Race. Edwards also ran in 2004 and was placed on the ticket with John Kerry who together, was narrowly beaten by George Bush and Dick Cheney that year. John Edwards did, during his run, attract a wide array of people who, never before, were interested in politics. There are many who believe that politicians who will only say what they believe will get them elected. John Edwards has been one of the few candidates who says what he believes and when he feels that he was on the wrong side of history, is quick to apologize for that vote. Some pundits would call that pandering but those who know John Edwards and those who have voted for him in the past and were planning on doing it again in the future, know the reality of the situation to be otherwise. It would then behoove those who find the democratic process in America fascinating and an example of the greatest example of representative democracy in the world, to explore one of the most successful candidates in modern American political history, who never became president but who had the voice of millions of Americans. John Edwards was born on June 10, 1953 in South Carolina. Upon entering college at Clemson University, Edwards was the first in his family to enroll in college. Edwards made the most of his time in college where he graduated with high honors and left Clemson with a degree in textile technology. It was also at this time where Edwards met and married Elizabeth Anania and together, had four children. Edwards has always had a close bond with his family and through his wife, Elizabeth, has found the strength to begin a life as a politician. Elizabeth Edwards, upon revealing that her cancer has come back and is indeed terminal, has become an inspiration to millions who admire her courage and/or have cancer themselves or have been affected by the deadly disease. They have not kept their struggle private but have instead voiced their experiences with the rest of the country. Focusing on Edwards’ career in the public forum: It first began in 1978 when Edwards became a lawyer at the law office of Dearborn & Ewing. It soon became obvious that Edwards had a real talent for the law profession and soon was winning some of the highest settlements for his clients in North Carolina History which totaled more than $70 million. The most notable case occurred in 1997 when Edwards took the case of a family whose young daughter had been disemboweled by a pool company who failed, after being warned of the dangers, of placing protective covers on the highly powerful suctions which are used to keep the pool water clean. The family was awarded a $25 million settlement. (Pear, 2008 pg. 18) Edwards, the family said, was selected to be their lawyer, because he had accepted less than the standard 33% legal fee of the judgment if the family lost the case or the settlement was small. The case served as a stepping stone for Edwards as it eventually prompted him to seek political office. Edwards won election to the U. S. Senate in 1998 as a Democrat in a state that was once known as a strong hold for the Republican Party. Edwards helped to break that mold and would remain a senator from 1998 until 2005 when he would eventually vacate his seat to seek the presidential nomination from his party. During his time in the Senate, Edwards sponsored 203 bills. (Krugman, 2008 pg. 6) It was here that Edwards’ voting record was established and his beliefs on some of the most pressing and important issues of the day, were set in motion. Due to the fact that John Edwards dropped out of the race before â€Å"Super Tuesday† he does not have campaign headquarters in Illinois. The main site of his campaign headquarters was in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. During his campaign, his main form of advertisement was divided between radio ads, television ads and on the internet. With regard to the Internet, ads were placed on his own personal website: www. johnedwards. com, online ads could also be found on websites such as www. myspace. com and www. youtube. com as well as with what has become known as â€Å"blogs† or online editorials from both his staff, supporters and those within the general community who supported John Edwards and believed that he would be the best choice for the country’s next president. All of the above mentioned were concentrated on the mediums that people that lived in the primary states, were going to see it as it would have been fiscally unwise to advertise in Washington State, when any candidate first needed to have a favorable showing in the Iowa caucus or the New Hampshire primary for example. One of the most important issues facing America today, and which is brought up in every campaign and promises to remain a controversial issue, is the war in Iraq. Edwards, like Hillary Clinton, voted for the Iraq War Resolution, only to reverse their opinions. Edwards stated in October 2002, after 9/11 and before the war in Iraq began: â€Å"Almost no one disagrees with these basic facts: that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a menace; that he has weapons of mass destruction and that he is doing everything in his power to get nuclear weapons; that he has supported terrorists; that he is a grave threat to the region, to vital allies like Israel, and to the United States; and that he is thwarting the will of the international community and undermining the United Nations’ credibility. † (Washington Post, 2008 pg. ) Two years later, Edwards defended his vote by stating: â€Å"I would have voted for the resolution knowing what I know today, because it was the right thing to do to give the president the authority to confront Saddam Hussein†¦ I think Saddam Hussein was a very serious threat. I stand by that, and that’s why [John Kerry and I] stand behind our vote on the resolution. † (Washington Post, 2008 pg. 2) It has been an issue that he later apologized as he officially changed` his mind on the issue. This has been viewed as weakness and pandering to some but has shown the human side of Edwards and humility. Many voters today are stating that the economy, to them, is the most important issue. This is understandable as many economists believe that a recession is coming, if she is not already here. Edwards advocated the rolling back of President Bush’s tax cuts which the Democrats perceived to be economic measures that are used only to benefit the rich. However, Edwards was in support of the President’s recent stimulus package which involves over $150 billion in rebate checks. The belief being that people will quickly place the money back into the economy which as an s results will help to avoid a further downward spiral of the economy. However, Edwards has differed from the president in the fact that he has called for the stimulus package to include rebates for the unemployed and uninsured; a wider range of individuals and people who, Edwards believes, deserves a larger share of the economic stimulus rebates. In the area of health care, Edwards has advocated that America follow the lead of Europe through the socialization of medicine. Edwards stated: â€Å"One of the reasons that I want to be President of the United States, is to make sure that every woman and every person in America, gets the same kind of things we have. John Edwards was commenting on this in reaction to the news that his wife’s cancer has come back with a redoubled vigor. Others who do not have the same financial abilities as the affluent Edwards family, can expect far inferior treatment. John Edwards seeks to change this. However, Edwards is careful to advocate universal health care and wants to show the difference between universal health care which most Americans want as opposed to socialism, which most people do not want. John Edwards has pledged to raise taxes $200 billion in order to pay for the program. Such sentiments raise a great deal of fear with those who believe in capitalism; the economic and social system that has given so much to America. If the aforementioned scare tactic were true, then one might have a credible reason for their objection. â€Å"There would be free choice of health care providers under a single payer universal health care system, unlike our current managed care system in which people are forced to see providers on the insurer’s panel to obtain medical benefits. Also, in regard to governmental involvement in universal health care, such fears are without merit. Taxes, fees and benefits would be decided by the insurer which would be under the control of a diverse board representing consumers, providers, business and government†¦ ‘The system would be run by a public trust, not the government. † (Krugman, 2008 pg. 3) John Edwards, like most Democrats, were critical of President Bush’s 2002 No Child Left Behind Act from its inception. Edwards agreed that the public school system is in deep trouble but states that NCLB does not go far enough â€Å"They didn’t fund the mandates that they put on the schools all over this country. That’s one of the reasons 800 teachers have been laid off in Cleveland. 1/3 of our public schools are failing under the Bush administration. Half of African-Americans are dropping out of high school. Half of Hispanic-American is dropping out of high school. We have a clear plan to improve our public schools that starts with getting our best teachers into the schools where we need them the most by creating incentives for them to go there. † (Washington Post, 2008 pg. 7) Increased funding and a greater concentration on the reasons why students are failing instead of relying mostly on tests. That has been the emphasis of John Edwards’ view on education. John Edwards voted for the Patriot Act and had been rather hawkish at first, in Democratic terms, about the defense of the nation in this post 9/11 world. Edwards has been instrumental in the passage of The Biological and Chemical Weapons Preparedness Act. The bill, introduced by John Edwards with Chuck Hagel (`R-NE`), establishes a coordinated national plan for responding to biological and chemical weapons attacks and directs states to develop plans for dealing with such attacks. Edwards has also been hailed as a friend of the environment who has pushed for a greater government role in pursuing the reduction of emissions from some of the country’s biggest factories. The League of Conversation Voters has stated about Edwards: â€Å"An excellent choice that sends a clear message about the need for change and renewed optimism in our nation’s leadership for conservation, public health, and other issues important to the American people, â€Å"Yet another strong environmental leader [on] the Democratic presidential ticket,† (Griscom, 2008 www. rist. org) This stance has helped Edwards to gain support from a wide array of the political spectrum and has resembled the Democratic Party’s renewed interest in the environment. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, the Edwards camp raised more than $34 million and has spent $36 on campaigning, ads in Iowa and New Hampshire. He has ranked third behind Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in campaig ning finance and has ranked third in the polls as well. Unfortunately, there has been for some time in American politics, a direct correlation between the amount of money raised and the votes that a particular candidate, whether Republican or Democrat can acquire. This has been the case for John Edwards who for the time being, has dropped out of the 2008 Presidential Campaign but who could emerge as a Vice Presidential Candidate as he did in 2004.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Enemy of the People

Contemporary social universal issues are reflected in common themes that are evident in extensively appreciated texts. Written by Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People is a prominent example of a text that incorporates universal topics which are those of integrity and environmental damage. Similarly, the film Erin Brockovich, directed by Steven Soderbergh, reflects these themes. Due to the variant mediums the techniques used to portray these themes to the audience are vastly different. Integrity is essential if corrupt forces in society are to be constrained or abolished. In An Enemy of the People, the protagonist, Dr. Stockmann, sacrifices everything for his moral beliefs to assist in eliminating the corruption: Id rather see it ruined than prospering on a lie! This emotive language reinforces that he values honesty, and would rather suffer financial hardships than dishonestly gain from a hazardous industry like the baths. The Doctors fierce dedication stands out in contrast to many of the plays secondary characters who seem to compromise their supposed beliefs: I should be slow to accuse the mayor because hes your bother. But I know you think as I do – the truth should come first The high modality language emphasises that Hovstad is manipulative and duplicitous as he accuses the mayor of lying to start with, but ultimately supports him, a result of his lack of integrity. Moreover, the play exemplifies the consequences that are sometimes presented to those who have a strong sense of integrity. Dr Stockmann strives diligently to expose the sordid condition of the baths so that people do not fall ill. Eventually, however, Peters machinations turn the public against him. Emotive language is used to portray the publics hatred towards the doctor: Hes an enemy! He hates us, thats what he does! Shame! Boo! Enemy of the people! The irony of this play is that the good person, Dr. Stockmann, is the one labelled as the enemy of the people. The play reveals itself as a sharp examination of the terrible price that society often demands of an individual who stays true to his or her principles. Erin Brockovich reflects the same issue of needing integrity to eradicate social ills. The protagonist, Erin Brockovich, acts in a manner motivated by morals. Fighting to sustain her life with her three children as a single parent, she is concurrently fighting for the rights of people who cannot fight for themselves. Her boss, Ed Masry, initially lacks integrity to take the case on. Brockovich, who is in rage at his moral deficiency screams at him: I don’t know shit about shit! But I sure do know the difference between right and wrong! The strong colloquial language and high modality of this statement highlights the fact that ethics do not have to rely on formal education. Furthermore, through the close up shot of Masrys stunned face the audience sees that an appeal to a persons conscience can sway a persons decisions. Consequently, Masry supports Brockovich and they ultimately win the case. This demonstrates that the virtue of integrity can lead to overcoming corruption within society. An Enemy of the People reflects Erin Brockovich in that integrity is still vital for an ethical society as both their protagonists stood up for what they believed in. Stockmann was still maintaining his stand against the solid majority and the socially corrupt institutions they support. However, Brockovich, according to the films epilogue, continued to pursue other social injustice. Hence, both texts reveal that upholding integrity is imperative. Damage to the environment can lead to grave social problems within society. In An Enemy of the People, the contamination of the environment is not only the vehicle for the plays plot but also the catalyst for the conflict that is palpable during the play. Peter Stockmann is primarily motivated by greed and power, whereas, his brother, Dr. Stockmann has passionate ethical beliefs. When the doctor tells his brother about the polluted baths and that they must be fixed Peter is deeply concerned about financial loss: We should probably have to abandon the whole thing, which has cost us so much money – and then you would have ruined your native town. The emotive language used here reinforces that in Peters unethical perspective the town and its visitors health is secondary to the fact to what the town will endure economically. The circumstances of the play highlight how money the key motivation in society and demonstrates the on-going social dilemma about balancing the needs of a community with the needs of the environment, if this balance is out the effect s on society will be detrimental. Erin Brockovich also reflects the universal theme of environmental pollution. In Erin Brockovich the reason for the environmental damage is corporate greed. The multi-billion dollar company Pacific Gas and Electric, is portrayed as socially corrupt, because they did not enact policies to keep the water contaminate free, and therefore compromised the future of Hinkley. The companys deceit about the effects of chromium in the water is revealed in dialogue: So you say this hexavalent chromium Well, its poisonous? Well, its just gotta be different than whats in our water, cause ours is okay. The guys from PGE told me; I mean they sat in my kitchen and told me. They said it was fine. This underlines the companys stance, that the suffering of the environment and society is secondary to making money. The scene in which Brockovich is collecting evidence juxtaposes the close up shot of the small dead frog with a long shot of the huge power plant nearby, to raise audience awareness of the enormity of the deleterious effect of unethical behaviour. Furthermore it encapsulates the necessity of each individual opposing such behaviour. In conclusion, An Enemy of the People depicts universal themes which are relevant to contemporary society today these themes are reflected in Erin Brockovich. Both texts illustrate to the audience how integrity is an imperative element when eradicating corruption and that a tarnished environment can have an injurious effect on society.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An Issue That Impacts Distance-Education Learning Research Paper

An Issue That Impacts Distance-Education Learning - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that though the program objectives and purposes are the same, the main difference is that distance learning occurs via web-based technology. This technology connects both the student and the faculty members separated by time and space denying them face-to-face interaction, essential for development of effective teacher student supportive relationships. The lack of face-to-face contact requires the faculty members to develop many new roles to teach, guide, support and assess their students. They cannot be able to discern the body languages of their students over the web, which is crucial in teaching.This essay highlights that for successful distance nursing facilitation, instructors must learn and develop new social and technological skills to use over the net. They must be possessing flexibility, patience, and amiable persona essential in developing interactive communication and relationships with their students. They must also develop and improve thei r basic computer skills to understand the concepts of online web based technology, which requires considerable investment of time and resources for the faculty members to be comfortable with the technologies. Technologies used in distance learning include hybridized audio, video, printable and web based accessories, which maximize student learning experience and efficiency.  Ã‚  Instructors need to invest their time and resources to keep pace with new technologies.... They must also develop and improve their basic computer skills to understand the concepts of online web based technology, which requires considerable investment of time and resources for the faculty members to be comfortable with the technologies. Technologies used in distance learning include hybridized audio, video, printable and web based accessories, which maximize student learning experience and efficiency. Instructors need to invest their time and resources to keep pace with new technologies (Smith, Passmore, & Faught, 2009). Designing distance learning modules require the coordination of various specialists and experts and doing this is a considerable challenge for instructors who have different opinions and ideas. Keeping in touch with the wide number of students, who are at different locations and with different cultures, is also an extraordinarily difficult challenge for faculty members who may be forced to work under different time zones. They must be able to plan and deve lop multi site communications, which require continuous upgrading of hardware and policy to improve efficiency. Failure to do this would render the programs redundant because of lack of co-ordination. Increased use of web based technology for distance learning may infringe intellectual and copyrights of materials been transmitted over the net. The wide number of materials used by different instructors is sometimes impossible to employ without infringements, and they may expose these programs to lawsuits. There is an urgent need for clarification on most of the materials used. Online nursing programs are similar to other courses taught online (Smith, Heindel, & Torres-Ayala, 2008), but assessment becomes a problem. It is

Adverse Possession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Adverse Possession - Essay Example However, adverse possession is now governed by the Land Registration Act 2002, which came into force in October 2003. The Land Registration Act 2002 reduced the statutory amount of time to qualify for adverse possession from 12 to 10 years. However, the time required for adverse possession to be proved still remains at twelve years if the person claiming adverse possession had had possession of the said piece of land for a period of more than twelve years. An analysis of the issue of adverse possession in different jurisdictions indicates that the statutory period is varied and the elements that justify adverse possession are sometimes different. For example, in France, adverse possession is only acquired if a statutory period of thirty years has elapsed, while in Spain, the period is determined by the state of the property. In the Netherlands, statutory time is based on good faith, where the squatter is granted the land after ten years wit the presence of good faith, or twenty years otherwise. As already stated, the issue of adverse possession before the Land Registration Act 2002 came into force did not give the paper owner the right to challenge the application for adverse possession by the squatter. However, with the introduction of the new act, the simple fact of adverse possession for 12 years will not imply automatic ownership for the squatter; the squatter will be entitled to apply for adverse possession after 10 years possession.After the application is made, the registered owner.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The current state of coastal process research and the drivers for the Essay

The current state of coastal process research and the drivers for the future - Essay Example The coastal system is a large process that revolves anything in or around coastal areas. The coast is the part of the land adjoining or near the ocean. A coastline is properly, a line on a map indicating the disposition of a coast but the word is often used to refer to the coast itself. According to Carter " the definition of a coast is something being on, near or having to do with a coast". The beach is a large protion of this system. The beach can be defined as the zone above the water line at a shore of a body of water. A beach is discernible because of the accumulation of stone, sand and/or gravel that the tide or waves deposited. It is important to keep in mind that when referring to the coast it should be thought of as a very specific definitioncoast is a very specific efinition. When using the word coast it should only be used when it is applied to the part of an island or a continent that borders an ocean or its saltwater tributatires. (Carter 1988) There are different kinds of coasts that can be referred to. One of these is a pelagic coast. A pelagic coast is a coast which fronts the open ocean. A pelagic coast differs from a coat that I more sheltered such as in a gul or a bay. Do not confuse a coast with a shore. A shore refers to areas of the land which are connected to any large body of water. A shore includes oceans and is called a sea shore, and a shore can adjoin with a lake then it is called a lakeshore. When referring to a river it is is called a bank rather than a coast or a shore. . However, this discussion I concerned only with coastal systems. RECENT PAST &CURENT RESEARCH: Coastal systems are of interest throughout the world. New observation and coastal research centres are being implemented in the United Kingdom (UK) as well as all through the world. This is because there is great interest in the status of the coastal systems due to environmental reasons and because all there is to be known about the coastal process is now known. While there is a great deal of data, available, everyday researchers and scientists find new information that will help in the field of coastal systems science. The new centres and programs that are being installed throughout the world, as well as the ones that currently exist, are being implemented to supply the data and knowledge necessary to forecast physical, chemical and biological changes that occur in coastal and open-ocean ecosystems. (Gubbay 1990) Current research has advanced the instrumentation, communications and modelling capabilities for coastal systems research. These advances have led to the advancement in prediction systems for the coastal areas of the world. These prediction capabilities are important because if success the prediction system will be able to predict certain phenomena-or predict it more accurately. This coastal phenomenon includes flooding and coastal erosion, oxygen depletion due to eutrophication and other potentially harmful to the coastal systems phenomena. (Gubbay 1990) In 1998 a series of studies conducted by Coastal Research of Plymouth, UK revealed new information about open

Friday, July 26, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 235

Assignment Example Human rights Activities and some religions argue that it is not morally acceptable for the state to kill or rather execute people under no circumstances (McClellan 125).4 Human life is very precious and should not be taken by anyone.5 Relatives and friends of the criminal also suffer in the process.6 Capital punishment again does not address the root problem. It is a superficial method and does little to curb the crime.7 There are others who look at capital punishment from another point of view (Draper 39). They look at the advantages it has. They argue that capital punishment instills a sense of fear among the citizens.8 They believe that people learn more by seeing than hearing (Bedau 34).9 They believe that people will not only fear the law but also respect it.10 Others argue that capital punishment is in fact economical.11 Heinous Criminals are not worthy of living from the sweat of innocent and hardworking citizens.12 Others argue that it is better to die than languish in prison where the criminals will undergo both physical and emotional torture (Swartz 112). 13 It also serves as a way of reducing the crime rates and ensures the safety of the victims and other inmates.14 These are some of the different views that different states and people have regarding to capital punishment.15 1. Bedau, Hugo Adam, and Paul G. Cassell. Debating the death penalty: should America have capital punishment? : the experts on both sides make their best case. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print. 3. Dezhbakhsh, Hashem, and Paul H. Rubin. "From the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"econometrics of capital punishmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ to the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"capital punishmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ of econometrics: on the use and abuse of sensitivity analysis." Applied Economics 43.25 (2011): 3655-3670.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Why are there many homeless people in big cities likeLA Essay

Why are there many homeless people in big cities likeLA - Essay Example Therefore, as a conscious citizen, I am concerned with the issue of the increase of homeless people in big cities, and I believe the improvement of the situation will result in the improvement of life of the entire society as well as the country’s economy. Among the main causes of high rates of homelessness in big cities are the following ones: lack of affordable housing, poverty, and unemployment. For many people who experience the problem of homelessness, the affordable housing crisis is what leaves them without shelter because of high housing costs. In addition to this, in big cities, such as Los Angeles, affordable housing is replaced by upscale and high-cost apartments, in which people with low incomes cannot afford to live. Poverty contributes to high rates of homelessness in LA as well because poor people have no money to pay for housing that takes a great proportion of income. Finally, unemployment, closely connected to poverty, is one of the reasons rates of homelessness increase due to the fact that lack of jobs and falling incomes lead to people’s inability to pay for housing. The root cause of unemployment is related to such macro issue that governs the life of the society as growth of population. This level is the first and the root one in answering why there are not enough working places in cities today and why the problem exists. The underlying cause points out what people lack. In this case, the underlying cause of unemployment in today’s society is that growth of population results in growth of working force. Finally, the immediate cause relates directly to people’s lives. More specifically, immediate cause is the fact that there is no need in the increase of working places because of technification of labor, which means that many tasks may be performed by less number of people than it used to be or it takes less time to perform particular tasks. The best and ideal solution to the problem of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


OPERATIONS OF APPLE FOLLOWING THE IDEA OF NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI - Essay Example Machiavelli, in â€Å"The Prince†, describes that a prince is not the same with the people whom he rules; rather, he poses a greater stature in the society. Expanding this vision propounded by Niccolo Machiavelli, the principles of ruling and managing a mass of individuals can also be deemed as applicable in modern organizational field of operations. In this regard, Machiavelli’s description of the qualities of a prince or a person or a corporation can be viewed as similar to that of modern day organizations, having its operations and influencing factors networked in the realms of politics, regulatory as well as economic and certainly in social paradigms as well. Moreover, as Machiavelli precisely mentions that gaining goodwill of the citizen is quite important with regard to rule properly with utmost effectiveness, his principles can be argued as justifiably applicable in 21st century organizational context where sustainability and moral principles are supposed to be o ne of the prime concerns. THESIS STATEMENT Critically analyzing the strategic operations of Apple Inc., this thesis will aim at discussing those bases or grounds where Apple’s operations follow the principles affirmed by Machiavelli and those opposing Machiavelli’s viewpoints. In addition, justifications will also be delivered on the inferences drawn so as to gain an in-sight to the concerned issue in this thesis. OPERATIONS OF APPLE FOLLOWING THE IDEA OF NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI Today, Apple is renowned as one of the leading Information Technology (IT) companies of the world. With its worldwide operations, the company has emerged as one of the most successful and renowned brands. It is in this context that alignment of the operational approach of Apple with that of the ideas presented by Machiavelli in ‘The Prince’ is quite likely to reward a succinct understanding of the possible influences, which can be reasoned as the causes of Apple’s success to dat e. In precise, Machiavelli describes about various principles of ruling, keeping in concern the autocratic system of the then scenario, i.e. of the 15th century. The principles thereby depict about the methods to be followed with regard to govern and maintain power in a particular demographic region, which can also be characterized as organizational environment in today’s context. Notably, sustainability constitutes major significance in these principles, in the form of the morally sound attitude deciphered by the ruler through his works, human behavior influenced by their heredity and surrounding environment as well as demand for transparency in the entire working process by both the ruler and those who are ruled. In accordance with this principle, Apple’s operations all over the world, intended to capture maximum share of the technology industry, can be found as emphasized on ethically sound principles rendering high priority to its customers’ needs, in accord ance with its stakeholders’ and organizational needs (Reuters, â€Å"Apple Inc (AAPL.OQ)†). Heading towards being more argumentive, the principles in Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince† depict that hereditary princedom is much beneficial from new princedom as it assures greater loyalty from the followers. Contextually, Apple is one of those companies that intend to operate in the competitive market in which they are present as a strong brand, following its hereditary princedom. This may also be considered as a major reason as to why Apple has been quite reluctant in reaching to the various non-competitive markets in the global realm. As Machiavelli argues, trusting in hereditary princedom is one such aspect that enables a prince to maintain his power and attain highest possible

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

An analysis of entrepreneurial theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

An analysis of entrepreneurial theory - Essay Example Many new entrepreneurial firms fail as a result of entrepreneurs not fully understanding problems associated with their business models. It is rather commonplace for entrepreneurs to jump blindly into a new business model without properly planning that includes construction of a concise and well-developed business plan. A successful entrepreneurial venture must be considerate of the entire value chain, including marketing, human resources, technology, logistics and production in order to have a viable business model that can productively support the desired vision. Failure of the entrepreneurial venture occurs regularly as entrepreneurial leaders do not effectively measure the business’ holistic capabilities and capacities needed to service a market which leads to a lack of competitiveness in the firm’s competitive market. In order to properly service the external market effectively and profitably, it is critical to understand what constitutes the dynamic of the post-re cession markets and then attempt new strategies to align the entrepreneurial enterprise with these conditions and dynamics. As one example, the post-recession consumer is now more concerned about the ethical values and behaviours of the organisation. A study conducted by Oh and Yoon, utilizing a sample of 343 different consumers, identified that when an organization illustrates that it maintains altruistic values and activities, consumers maintain a more positive perception of this business over that of businesses without a promoted ethical stance.

Christian Apologist Essay Example for Free

Christian Apologist Essay Included in the 10 most influential Christians of the 20th century alongside Karl Barth, Pope John XXIII, Martin Luther King Jr, and Billy Graham, the Christian History magazine named him the atheist scholar who became an Anglican, an apologist, and a ‘patron saint’ of Christians everywhere. He was also dubbed as an â€Å"apostle to the skeptics† because he resolutely answered frequent objections individuals had when it came to accepting Christ as their Savior (christianodyssey. com). Born into a Protestant family in Ireland on November 29, 1898, C.   S. Lewis was the son of A. J. Lewis, a solicitor, and Flora Augusta, a promising mathematician. He bore a lonely and unhappy childhood. Especially crushed by the death of his mother due to cancer when he was nine years old, Lewis was left disheartened with God (christianodyssey. com). Lewis came to reject Christianity at an early age, becoming an affirmed atheist. He reasoned that Christian myths were mediocre and that the Christian god must be a sadist (about. com). Whilst being inquired about his religious view, C. S.  Lewis labeled the worship of Christ and the Christian faith as one mythology among many. (christianodyssey. com). Lewis was married to Helen Joy Davidman. She was a Jewish American with two children of her own. Davidman was good-natured and shared her husband’s joy in argument. Sadly, she died of cancer in 1960 (kirjasto. htm). After a prolonged period poor health and sporadic recovery, Lewis himself died on November 22, 1963 (christianodyssey. com). Fondly called Jack by his loved ones, Lewis was a well-known professor at both Oxford and Cambridge. Lewis’ 25 books on Christian topics include Mere Christianity (1952), The Problem of Pain (1940), Miracles (1947), The Screwtape Letters (1942), Surprised by Joy (1955) and The Great Divorce (1945). The Pilgrim’s Regress (1933) was about his own experience while on his way to conversion (christianodyssey. com). In The Problem of Pain (1940), it is asked, If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain? Here, Lewis reasoned that the wrong choices people tend to make usually account for the suffering they are eventually faced (kirjasto. htm). Here we see that Lewis is trying to give rational answers to queries people have without completely basing it on blind faith. Critics usually look for an understanding based on the cause-and-effect principle. The Chronicles of Narnia has turned out to be the most lasting of Lewiss novels. It retells the story of the Creation, the fall and redemption of humanity and also includes other Christian themes in allegorical form. The portal to Narnia, a version of Paradise, is a wardrobe through which four sibling children enter this secondary world. In the first story the bad Witch is destroyed in a battle. The final books deal with Narnias beginning and end. In the last Armageddon story, with its death-and-resurrection theme, the struggle was between a king and the forces of evil (kirjasto. htm). We need to understand here that if readers can understand the mechanics of Narnia and how the plot of this story works with the inclusion of certain Christian themes, they can better understand Christian beliefs from a more objective point of view and accept it. The same point of view they read and understood The Chronicles of Narnia. Lewis presented the basic teachings of orthodox Christianity — teachings he labeled â€Å"mere Christianity† (inplainsite. rg). Lewis went on British radio between 1942 and 1944. His discussions during those years were on what he called mere Christianity, that is, the universal and most doctrinal beliefs of the faith. This very collection of radio talks were later tied together in one of Lewis’ most influential books, Mere Christianity (christianodyssey. com). Lewis’s project in this book was to defend â€Å"mere Christianity,† or the most essential basics of the Christian faith, against unbelievers. (leaderu. com) Lewis based his defense of Christianity on an argument from morality. The Moral Argument states that there is a universal â€Å"moral conscience† amongst all human beings. Everybody possesses an internal sense of moral obligation to realize the difference between right and wrong and choose to do what is right. Lewis ascertains that the existence of this common â€Å"moral conscience,† can only be the consequential result from the existence of a god who created all humans. (about. com). C. S. Lewis disputed for reason-based Christianity as opposed to faith-based Christianity. This is a questionable decision on Lewis’ part because conventional Christianity is indisputably faith-based. Lewis’ principal readers were supposed to be skeptics and atheists rather than current believers. Skeptics doubt for lack of reason and evidence; therefore, only reason and evidence is more likely to draw their reconsideration. In his book, Mere Christianity, Lewis writes: â€Å"I am not asking anyone to accept Christianity if his best reasoning tells him that the weight of the evidence is against it. † (about. com). One of Lewis’ most-often-quoted statements is from Mere Christianity, where he uses reason and logic to introduce three possibilities to us (often known as the Lewis trilemma). According to this trilemma, either Jesus really was God and intentionally lying, or was not God but reckoned himself to be (which would make him a lunatic). Mere Christianity goes on to say that the latter likelihood is not consistent with Jesus character and it is, therefore, most likely that he was being truthful A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. - Mere Christianity (christianodyssey. com). As mentioned earlier in this paper, C. S. Lewis’ readings are mostly meant for critics and unbelievers of the Christian faith. It is not designed for Christians who have accepted Lord Jesus as their Savior because they do not need to be convinced through reason-based writings about Christianity. Lewis was very interested in presenting a reasonable case for the truth of Christianity. I chose C. S. Lewis for my Apologetics term paper because I had always known this personality as the author of my favorite books. Years later, I was overwhelmingly surprised the depth of these novels in correlation to Christian concepts of Creation, Paradise and Armageddon. The applications of Lewis’ teachings can be seen in his Christian writings. They all lean towards reason, approaching Christianity as a religion that has factual grounds in addition of those relying on faith. C. S. Lewis believed the best apology for Christianity was the life of a believer and the way we live our lives. Non-Christians are more likely to be attracted to Christianity through the non-verbal acts and conduct of our life. However he also believed in verbal apologetics. Lewis believed Christianity was rational but at the same time was ultra-rational, i. e. that it was supernatural and divine and went way beyond the limits and scope of rationality (thatimayknowhim. o. uk). Lewis even believed in theistic evolution. In The Problem of Pain he wrote, â€Å"If by saying that man rose from brutality you mean simply that man is physically descended from animals, I have no objections†¦. For long centuries God perfected the animal form which was to become the vehicle of humanity and the image of Himself. He gave it hands whose thumbs could be applied to each of its fingers, and jaws and teeth and the throat capable of articulation, and a brain sufficiently complex to execute all material motions whereby rational thought is incarnated. The creature may have existed for ages in this state before it became man†¦. We do not know how many of these creatures God made, nor how long they continued in the Paradisal state† – The Problem of Pain (svchapel. org) The uniqueness of Lewis’ writings is fairly obvious. In comparison to other apologists, Lewis appealed to the reader’s emotions and sense of imagination. He, therefore, wanted to write about the essence of Christianity by reflecting upon its poignant, visual and imaginative side in its rational coherence. He wanted for the reader to taste the beauty of the faith; to draw the reader into the magnificent story of God’s salvation, to submerge him/her into the universe of Christianity. Many Christians testified that they started to seek heaven only after reading Lewis’ works. The way he is able to depict heaven and the spiritual world enabled the reader to truly understand the gift of Heaven that awaits us (euroleadershipresources. org). It is from C. S. Lewis that we need to learn that the kind of language used to explore God and the content of Christian faith is a matter of epitome importance. The human language has the potential to mediate feelings and understanding on an extremely poignant level. If implemented correctly Christian apologists need to be excited for themselves because of the relationship they are in with God. This very excitement on such a personal level will only help them better to find the right words and literary expressions needed to present the Christian faith. In this way, thanks to C. S. Lewis, Apologetics will become an effective personal testimony of God’s salvation (euroleadershipresources. org).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Condom Use and its Myths Essay Example for Free

Condom Use and its Myths Essay In the first summary of a peer reviewed article, an article was found called Sexual Coercion, Verbal Aggression, and Condom Use Consistency among College Students. The journal in which this article was found is Journal of American College Health, Vol. 59, No. 4 pp.273-280. The greater hypothesis of this article was the staggering coalition of sexual coercion, which is the forcefulness of people to use peer pressure, alcohol, or other measures to get their sexual desires met. The intent of the article was also very strong with the condom use numbers amongst its research group. Which, this author finds to be the important statistic and what the final draft will be based upon. The research that was conducted in the article was from a mid-sized college in the south eastern United Sates. The authors and researchers got together 600 undergraduate students and asked them questions based on the relative research. Questions like, I insulted or swore at my partner?, I used insults to make my partner have sex, I know that if my partner is drunk enough they won’t make me use a condom, etc. A large number of questions and evidence were conducted; however the staggering number was the condom use numbers from freshman-senior. The number declined at a rapid rate. Proving what I was trying to hypothesize†¦The older you get, the less condoms are used. As previously stated 600 people were chosen at random, 150 freshmen, 150 sophomores, 150 juniors, and 150 seniors. They were all emailed the survey, and only 148, roughly 24.7 completed them. This makes the research style survey or questionnaire. The staggering result from the research was that 30.4% of the surveyed students used condoms all the time, where 26.7% reported never using any means of protection. The authors of the article offer a few hypotheses about their research, which are â€Å"Sexually Active Students Who Report Being Victims of Sexual Coercion Will Be Less Likely to Use Condoms Consistently† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). â€Å"Sexually Active Students Who Report Being Victims of Verbal Aggression Will Be Less Likely to Use Condoms Consistently† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). â€Å" Alcohol Use Will Be Associated With Episodes of Sexual Coercion and Verbal Aggression† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). â€Å"Sexually Active Students Who Report Using Alcohol Before or During Abusive Episodes Will Be Less Likely to Use Condoms Consistently† (Fair, Vanyur, 2011). The second of our articles if from the world of the â€Å"Google leavened† media, and the source for our article is Reuters. In this article author Julie Steenhuysen describes the current numbers of sexually active teens to their adult counterparts, and their condom use statistics. When the article starts with, â€Å"U.S. teens are not as reckless as some people might think when it comes to sex, and they are much more likely to use condoms than people over 40, according to a survey released on Monday that could help guide public health policy† ( Steenheysun, J. 2006). it has to be good. The research used in this article is from sex researchers at Indiana University and paid for by Trojan condom maker Church Dwight Co. At first glance this author didn’t see anything staggering wrong with their choice in researcher, but after some examination and the article lack of tables, or any other information made this author think. Is this data accurate, and who were the constants in the survey pool. Some of the evidence this article gives us is, â€Å"Condom use is higher among black and Hispanic Americans than among whites, and is lowest among people over 40, the nationally representative Internet survey of 5,865 Americans aged 14 to 94 found† (Steenheysun, J. 2006). â€Å"Only 14 percent of 14-year-old boys reported any kind of sexual interaction with a partner in the prior three months, but almost 40 percent of 17-year-old males did†(Steenheysun, J. 2006). â€Å"In this study, somewhere between 70 and 80 percent of adolescents reported condom use at their most recent vaginal intercourse† (Steenheysun, J. 2006). There were other statistics pertaining to our topic but we will leave that at that for now. In this article there were no conclusions or hypothesis about the data, but it is clear that the data (as un researchable as it is) did speak for itself. Indeed there is a correlation between adolescent condom use and that of adults. Scholarly Articles vs. Popular Media In the world of the internet and all other forms of media blasphemy the facts and lack thereof can be very twisted and exposed in ways that make them seem more legitimate. While in reality most of the articles and sources found in popular media are just words with no backing vocals. Both of the articles had similar information; however the articles differ immensely on how they present there evidence and the facts themselves.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ouchterlony Double Diffusion Assay Biology Essay

Ouchterlony Double Diffusion Assay Biology Essay Introduction: Polyclonal antibodies are produced by different B- lymphocytes in response to the same antigen, which recognise different parts of the antigen. Because the human immune system cannot know in advance what pathogens it will confront, it prepares for future infections by creating millions of different antibodies. Each of these highly selective proteins recognizes and binds to a specific target, or antigen, then signals other components of the immune system to destroy the target. These naturally-occurring polyclonal antibodies play a crucial role in triggering an immune response Polyclonal antibodies are routinely used as ligands for the preparation of immunoaffinity columns labeling reagents for the qualitative and quantitative determination of molecules in a variety of assays, such as double diffusion, radial immuno-diffusion, ammonium sulphate precipitation and ion exchange chromatography. Aim: The aim of this practical is to compare the purification of serum IgG by ammonium sulphate and ion exchange chromatography. The first purification step will normally involve a method such as fractional precipitation with increasing concentrations of ammonium sulphate. This method is not designed to achieve total purification, but to remove as much contaminant protein as possible whilst retaining all the protein of interest. Most proteins will precipitate from solution at high salt concentrations, but the salt concentration required to precipitate them varies considerably. Ammonium sulphate will be used as it is possible to set up salt concentration which will differentially precipitate serum proteins. Ammonium sulphate precipitation procedure was carried out to separate the serum proteins into four fractions. A fraction containing the serum protein to be purified can then be precipitated and collected, leaving behind any protein which is still soluble. The second method of purifying the IgG serum protein is ion exchange chromatography. This is a widely applied method of protein purification and uses positively charged groups or negatively charged groups immobilised onto a hydrophilic support, in this case DE- 52. Serum Proteins with an opposite net charge to that of the immobilised exchanger will bind to the column. Other serum proteins will pass through. Because the charge on proteins changes with pH, it is possible to attach a protein to the exchanger at one pH, then elute it by changing the buffer. Alternatively proteins can be eluted by passing an increasing concentration of salt through the column. The method works best for IgG which have high isoelectric points, at about pH 8.6. This method can also be used how to separate different subclasses of IgG. Ammonium sulphate is less effective in the purification if IgG, but it is useful for the isolation of large IgM. Samples of each fraction will then be separated by electrophoresis on an agarose gel. Antibody will then be allowed to diffuse towards the electrophoresed proteins from a trough cut parallel to the direction of electrophoresis. The proteins also diffuse from the positions they have reached after electrophoresis and precipitin arcs form where antigen and antibody reach equivalent concentrations. This technique can be used to determine whether a fraction contains any IgG and determine the degree of contamination of the IgG with other proteins Materials and Method: Ammonium Sulphate fractionation Procedure 0.25 ml of saturated ammonium was added to 1ml of human serum, to produce a solution which 20% saturated with respect to ammonium sulphate. The solution was mixed it was allowed to stand in an ice for 15 minutes, and was centrifuged for 15 minutes at 1500 rotation per minute. The supernatant was poured and pallet was retained as fraction 1 The supernatant from fraction 1; 0.35 was added to bring to 35 % saturated with respect to ammonium sulphate; the solution was left in an ice for 15minutes and it was centrifuged to recover the precipitate, the supernatant was poured in another tube while the pallet was retained as fraction 2 0.5 ml of saturated ammonium was added to the supernatant of fraction 2 to bring the solution to 50% , the solution was left in ice for 15 minutes to precipitate, it was centrifuged for 15 minutes the pallet was kept as fraction 3 while the supernatant containing 50% of protein was kept as fraction 4 the absorbance of the fraction was measured at 280nm the absorbance of 1mg/ml and 0.5mg of bovine serum albumin was measured was measured Before the immunological analysis the fraction salt content were reduced by dialysis against buffer. 0.2 (For more information refer to UEL hand out on protein purification) DE 52 ion exchange chromatography Serum provides was pre dialysed against 10mM trs/barbitone buffer pH 8.6 and chromatography column containing about 2mls of DE 52 which it has been equilibrated in the same buffer The column was allowed to run until any overlying buffer has run into the DE-52 gel avoiding the column to dry Ouchterlony Double Diffusion Assay The fractions collected from ion exchange chromatography were determined for the presence of IgG by using ouchterlony double diffusion method. The collected fractions were run against an anti-IgG antibody in an agarose gel. The centre well were filled with 3ul of anti-IgG and 3ul of the eluted fractions into the surrounding holes. Immunodiffusion was slowed to proceed for 24-48 hours an antigen-antibody precipitin line was observed. Single Radial immune diffusion This as a quantitative technique whereby the antigen is allowed diffuse from a well into a gel which contained its specific antibody, a precipitin will form when antigen concentration is equal to the concentration of the antibody in the gel. Immunoelectrophoresis MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of antigen Blood samples were collected from ten clinically healthy cows using sterile disposable needles (1.2 40 mm), clarified by centrifugation (1000 g, 15 min) and diluted 1:1 with phosphate buffer saline (PBS, pH 7.2). Then equal volumes of diluted serum and saturated ammonium sulphate were mixed by slowly addition of the saturated ammonium sulphate solution with gentle stirring. After centrifugation (1000 g for 20 min), the precipitate was washed twice with 50% saturated ammonium sulphate solution. The final precipitate was dissolved in PBS followed by overnight dialysis against PBS. Protein concentration was quantified by a coomassie dye binding assay (Bradford, 1976), using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as the standard. Final protein concentration of solution adjusted to 1 mg/mL. Immunization of rabbits with bovine immunoglobulins Three hundred micro liters of prepared bovine immunoglobulins (1 mg/mL) in PBS was emulsified with equal volumes of Freunds complete adjuvant (Sigma) and inoculated intramuscularly (I M) into three 6-month-old New Zealand White rabbits. The rabbits were fed regular commercial diets. The second and third inoculations were performed on days 21 and 35 with Freunds incomplete adjuvant (Sigma), and the fourth inoculation was done on day 45 without any adjuvant. After the final immunization, blood samples were taken from the rabbits and production of antibody was investigated by double diffusion and ELISA tests. This study was approved by the Regional Medical Sciences Research Ethics Committee of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Purification of rabbit anti-bovine immunoglobulins Immunized rabbits sera were collected and precipitated by 50% ammonium sulfate. After dialysis against PBS and tris-Phosphate buffer (40 tris and 25 mM phosphate, pH 8.2), ion-exchange chromatography was done on a DEAE-Sepharose fast flow (Pharmacia) in a laboratory made column at a flow rate of 0.25 mL/min. Protein concentration adjusted to 100 mg/mL and passed through the column. The column was washed in two steps using Tris- Phosphate buffer for first washing step and Tris-phosphate buffer containing100 mM NaCl for second washing step. The eluted proteins were collected in 5 mL fractions and analyzed by SDSPAGE. SDS-PAGE analysis The purity of various IgG preparations was checked using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) under reduced conditions as described by Laemmli (Laemmli, 1970). The final concentration of polyacrylamide solution was 13%. Samples were boiled with 2% SDS for 10 min and were loaded on the electrophoresis gel. After separation, the proteins were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G 250 (Blakesley and Boezi, 1977). Destaining was carried out in distilled water. Conjugation of rabbit IgG with peroxidase The conjugation was performed by the periodate method (Nakane and Kawaoi, 1974) with some modifications. First, 4 mg of peroxidase (Sigma) was dissolved in 0.5 mL of distilled water in darkglass container. Then sodium periodate (Merck) was added to the solution, and the container was kept on a stirrer for 20 min at room tempe-rature. The mixture was dialyzed against acetate buffer (0.1 mM, pH 4.4) at 4Â °C overnight followed by addition of 10 ÃŽ ¼l of carbonate-bicarbonate buffer (0.2 M, pH 9.5). Eight milligrams of purified IgG in 1 mL of carbonate-bicarbonate buffer (10 mM, pH 9.5) was add-ed to the active enzyme, and the container was put on the stirrer. Then 150 ÃŽ ¼l of fresh sodium borohydrate solution (Merck) was added to the above solution and was kept at 4Â °C for 1.5 h on the stirrer. The product was then dialyzed overnight against PBS at 4Â °C and 1% BSA (Sigma) along with addition of 0.01% sodium mirth-iolate (Merck). Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) Direct ELISA was used to determine the titer of HRP conjugated rabbit IgG against bovine immunoglobulins. 100 ÃŽ ¼l of prepared bovine, sheep and goat immunoglobulins, which was diluted 1:100 in PBS (10 ÃŽ ¼g), was added to each well of a 96-well micro titer plate and incubated at 4Â °C for 24 h. The wells were washed with PBSTween (0.05% Tween 20) three times and blocked with 200 ÃŽ ¼l of blocking solution (PBS-0.5% Tween 20). After a washing step, 100 ÃŽ ¼l of 1:400, 1:800, 1:1600, 1:3200, 1:6400 and 1:12800 dilutions of prepared HRP conjugated anti-bovine immunoglobulins were added to each well. The reaction was developed using 100 ÃŽ ¼l of 3, 3, 5, 5- tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) as substrate and the absorbance was determined at 450 nm after stopping the reaction by 5% sulfuric acid (Sigma). Results: RESULTS Production of rabbit anti-bovine immunoglobulins In order to survey production of antibody in rabbits and evaluating effectiveness of immunization, double diffusion and ELISA tests were performed. The titer of polyclonal anti-bovine IgG in double diffusion test was 8, which appeared as a sharp band between antigen and antibody wells. The titer of anti-bovine immunoglobulins determined by ELISA was 16000. Purification of rabbit anti-bovine immunoglobulins Purification of IgG rich fraction from immunized rabbit sera by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by DEAE ion-exchange chromatography resulted in a highly pure fraction (first peak). The protein content of this fraction was 45 mg which was about one third of primary protein content (Figure 1). SDS-PAGE analysis Figure 2 shows the results of SDS-PAGE for determining the purity of IgG, which was purified by ion-exchange chromatography. A distinct polypeptide band with molecular weight about 50 kDa corresponding to rabbit IgG heavy chains. The diffused bands between molecular weights of 20 30 kDa correspond to rabbit IgG light chains. (Figure 2) The SDS-PAGE analysis showed that purification of IgG by ion-exchange chromatography resulted in a highly pure product. Discussion: The purification of immunoglobulins presents several practical complications, especially for polyclonal antibody production (Verdoliva et al., 2000). We used ionexchange chromatography for purification of rabbit IgG polyclonal antibody. Separation and recovery of proteins from ion exchange chromatographic media are affected by factors such as buffer type and pH, length of gradient, flow rate of the mobile phase, ionic strength and nature of counter ion, and characteristic of the proteins. The selection of ideal conditions for protein purification involves changing some or all of these parameters (Tishchenko et al., 1998). This technique was well established in our laboratory for purification of IgG antibody (Baradaran et al., 2006; Javanmard et al., 2005; Majidi et al., 2005). Furthermore, ion-exchange chromatography is considered as an economical alternative to affinity and immunoaffinity chromatography. After purification step we obtained a protein with approximate purity of 98%. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the protein with approximately 50 kDa MW was rabbit IgG heavy chains. The light chain of rabbit IgG appeared as a diffused band of 20 30 kDa molecular weights. It is likely that diffused band of light chain could be related to different level of deglycosilation of protein during manipulation process. Conclusion:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Rights to Bear Arms Essay -- Bill Rights second amendment Constitu

The Rights to Bear Arms   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gun control is a very controversial issue among society at present. Many feel guns are the cause of a great amount of crime. This has been an especially popular topic recently in lieu of the shooting at Columbine and other high schools across the country. Are these crimes reason to take away our freedom to bear arms? I do not believe so. The average person uses guns mainly as a means of protection. If limitations are placed on guns, they will only stop the average American from obtaining a gun. The real criminals out there will still be able to obtain guns through the black market. Every American should have the right to protect them self. The second amendment to the constitution of the United States says, â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.†1 This amendment enforced a practice that had been occurring in America for years. When the constitution was forming, there was not a large standing army. Many inhabitants were minutemen, who needed a gun to help protect society; this is why the militia was mentioned in the amendment. The militia clause is merely a rationale for preserving the right.1 Even if today's well-regulated militia were the National Guard, the Second Amendment still protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people feel this amendment should be changed, or more restrictions should be placed on people who want to purchase guns. Some believe that guns hurt more than they help, even though statistics prove otherwise. I feel that guns are not as big of a threat to society as people are lead to believe, mainly by the media. Fatal gun accidents declined by almost sixty percent from 1975 to 1995, even though the number of guns per capita increased by almost forty percent.2 The cart below shows that a number of crimes have started decreasing, even though sales in guns has increased. Recently, the media has shown many incidents of shootings in schools. This is nothing new, as the media makes it out to be. Schools have had trouble with crime for many years. Years ago metal detectors were installed in schools across the nation to stop violence in schools. These detectors were placed because there was a problem in the past. Crime related to guns has, in fact, gone down. The reality does not... ...were to happen here. Although we are a democracy, as more freedoms are taken away, we move farther and farther away from the very idea of America. The history of mankind has many examples of what happens when the state becomes too powerful and there is no check on it by an armed population.5 It is impossible for the government to control the sales of gun through the black market, which provides these dangerous weapons to murders and drug dealers. Shouldn’t it be the government’s duty to allow the average law abiding citizen to protect them self. Bibliography Bieber, James D. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Gun Accidents. 2/13/2000. Illinois State Firearm Laws. September 1997. Larson, Erik. "The Story of a Gun", The Atlantic Monthly. January 1993. Origional Intent and Purpose of the Second Amendment., 1/12/2000. Schools and Gun Violence. 6/13/199 Second Amendment Stuff. 1/16/2000

Situational Leadership Analysis Essay -- Leadership

Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) asserts that a leader’s effectiveness is dependent upon the readiness, or ability and willingness, of the leader’s followers to complete a task. This leadership style is an amalgamation of task-oriented and relationship-oriented characteristics that are employed depending upon the situation and the followers involved. According to the SLT, as followers increase in readiness the leader’s style is to adapt accordingly (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). The table below (Babou, 2008) summarizes the leadership behaviors that the SLT presumes are appropriate to the various stages of follower readiness. Each quadrant of the Leadership Behaviors chart corresponds to the same quadrant in the Follower Readiness chart. Leadership Behaviors Style 1 (S1 or Directing): High task/low relationship This leader uses above-average amounts of task behavior and below-average amounts of relationship behavior. Style 2 (S2 or Coaching): High task/high relationship This leader uses greater-than-average amounts of both task and relationship behaviors. Style 3 (S3 or Supporting): High relationship/low task This leader exhibits greater-than-average amounts of relationship behavior and below-average amounts of task behavior. Style 4 (S4 or Delegating): Low relationship/low task This leader uses below-average amounts of both relationship and task behaviors. Follower Readiness For example, under this theory the leader would employ High Directive/High Support leadership behaviors to the Disillusioned Learner. Ideally, the leader helps the followers as they progress through the stages to achieve the Self-Reliant Achiever/Delegating level. While I do not necessarily ... ...ul leader. Without high competence in these areas, the leader is unlikely to find success to any significant degree regardless of how well he or she performs in the other areas. Overall I am pleased with where I currently am in these fundamental areas, particularly in those areas that define me as a person and would otherwise be extremely difficult to change. The areas of weakness reveal adjustments that I can make in my style and how I outwardly present myself, but I do not believe there are any gaps that cannot be bridged as I continue my quest to become a better leader. Works Cited Babou. (2008, March 26). Variations in situational leadership Web. 28 March 2015 Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational behavior (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My Life on Togetherness Essays -- family, parents, religion, freedom

I belong to a family that is characterized by being quite Post-modern. Talking about my parents, they do both participate in the public sphere. They both work in two separate domains, having consequently more freedom in the public sphere they encounter as a daily basis. For example, my mother works as a teacher, so she comes across mostly teachers and professors, and my father works as an architect, so he encounters mostly architects, without corrupting one another by endless phone calls or whatever. So Togetherness, which is the opposite of autonomy, is not really seen. What I described before is how things go between my parents, but I did not yet talk about the situation between my parents and us, their children. Our freedom grows proportionally with our age. When we were young, we weren't restricted to communicate only to the family members. In school, we were free to meet and talk to whoever we want. Of course they do warn us of the bad persons we might encounter, but we were feeling comfortable. As we grew up, the relationship between us start to be friendlier. Trust is there, which I believe is one of the most important criteria that should exist within a relationship, happiness is there, everything is fine. However, a criterion of togetherness was missing, which is the freedom of choice. Choices available to me were those that my parents provided me with. For example, one of my goals in my Life was, and still is, to become a Formula 1 racing driver, but unfortunately I wasn't able to achieve that, because my parents simply weren't able to assimilate the idea that I drive a "dangerous", fast car. I know it's too late now, but my dream is still to drive a Formula 1 car, at least before I pass away. Anyway, my family is the ... ...rnal or external. when everything's ticking along just fine, I don't think most people give much thought to it; evidence of that can be found in the confusion with which most people will respond to questions like, "what makes someone a man/woman?", or, "how do you know that you're a woman/man?", without referring to biology. But as soon as something's not quite right, whether that's an internal feeling of incongruence or an external challenge to one's gender, suddenly it becomes very important indeed. Finally it does work for me, and I am not emphasizing any counter ideas toward girls. I don't have any problem with them; each of us is different at several levels. I can have positive criteria by being a boy and my sister, for example, can also have positive criteria that I do not have by being a girl. I was born a male; I will grow as a male, and will die as a male.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reconstruction of African Americans Dbq Essay

African Americans were given the opportunity to vote. There opinion began to matter. As Alfred H. Ward expresses in his art black men waiting in a line, it means much more than a single file. Displaying the men dressed in different outfits and uniforms waiting to put in their opinion, their vote (Document A). Negroes were now being viewed as another person and another opinion needed. It was even expressed that one shall not be denied a vote for their race (Document C). This is yet again another prime example of the African Americans new progress in a political aspect. Though it may seem a simple and smooth change it wasn’t a golden path through the transformation, some still could not accept the fact that black deserve to have the right to vote. Dramatic words and publication were existent during the late 19-century, even a cartoon was published of an African American man dying, and reason of death being he used his right to vote (document F). Soon the African Americans had their heads soaring high, some people were finally giving them some social respect. Along with the 14th amendment supporting their new freedom things seemed to be changing. Simply re stated â€Å" no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States† just with the first statement, African Americans are entitled to even more rights (Document B). Again, the civil rights act of 1875, this enacted that all persons of the U. S. shall be entitled to full enjoyment of accommodations, advantages, and privileges of inns, public water and entertainment. Also stating that this is applicable to every citizen of every race (Document D). Though yet again things were not always so positive and equal. â€Å"Jim crow laws of the deep south† created many restrictions and much un fair treatment. To the extent of marriages between white and blacks were prohibited in Florida (Document H). In Georgia one could not burry an African American where whites were buried (Document H). Also, in Mississippi, discussion of or defending for social equality would immediately be guilty of a misdemeanor (Document H). Some cases so harsh that blacks who would assert their rights would face unemployment, eviction, and sometimes physical harm. From evidence shown the African Americans had dramatic reconstruction stages in both political views along with social views. They received some respect and rights of being created equal. They also received their right to vote. Though, it didn’t all become easy and perfect they had much progress of reconstruction. Many changes were made. As many lives were transformed.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jake Barnes of ‘The Sun Also Rises’ Essay

Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway is an American veteran of World War I who lives and works in Paris as a advanceds human beings. Jake Barnes is the typical Hemingway Code whiz in this novel, but he does run out to meet certain(p) aspects of the cipher. First, he is non a man in the conventionalistic sense of the news. Due to a app exclusively in WWI, he is fundament exclusivelyy sexless. The Hemingway principle fighter aircraft indulges in all aspects of the word pleasure, mainly those of alcohol and women. Second, he breaks the Hemingway inscribe by violating the verify of another man, curiously when he violates it for a woman.He introduces Brett Ashley to Pedro Romero, the far-famed bullfighter, against the wishes of his friend and fellow bullfighting afficionado, Montoya. However, in many ways, Jake Barnes does meet the standards of a codification combatant. He handles his liquor well, and he loves hunt down, fishing, and the outdoors. He has f aced death, and is not afraid of it. Jake is likewise disillusioned with purport subsequently living(a) WWI, like many young adults by and by the First World War.Behind the traditional concept of the compute hero lies the disillusionment of the lost generation of younger people, resulting from WWI. The mandate hero has to create a new set of set and concepts, because the traditional ones engraft in Christianity had not saved man from catastrophe. The Code hero had to find a place, then, that was not dominated by these precepts. some(prenominal) members of the lost generation found this mental home in Paris, as did Jake Barnes. The spiritual values of enter heros were not Christian they essentially believed that there was no afterlife after death, so life essentialiness be experienced to the fullest. If facing total obliviousness after death, the response of the Code hero is to enjoy all kinds of physical pleasures to present excessively, to have frequent affairs, to eat all right food, to indulge himself in any and all available sensuous pleasures. A code hero may drink, but he may never lose escort of himself. Jake, even when drunk, is lucid and in control.. A sloppy drunk shows a omit of discipline, an essential characteristic of all code heroes.The Hemingway man enjoyed outdoor sports, such as hunting, fishing, bullfighting. Jake enjoys all of these. After declining Robert Cohns invitation to due south America, he mentions big game hunting in Africa. While vacationing in Spain, he and his friend Bill Gorton unloose and fish along theIrati River in Basque before attending the bullfighting festival in Pamplona. During their time in Basque, they live fast to the earth, fishing and hiking through the hills. This roughing it concept is besides a characteristic of the code hero.solely one of the most defining aspects of the code hero, and Jake, is how he deals with death and dying. He must avoid death at all costs, because it means the e nd of life, but must not fear it. The test of a Hemingway hero is how he performs under pressure, or in deadly situations. Jake enlisted in the army, was shipped oversea and injured accidentally. He wasnt distress during a romantic battle against a ruthless foe, but during an accident. Jake sees this as a flaw, and it is one to the Hemingway design. According to the code, men must face death in rattling(prenominal) situations and overcome it.Jake is not in all a man, thus not making him entirely a true code hero. He is sexless, therefore not meeting the continent definintion of what it means to be manly.. He must find other ways to put himself by using moral pose, and to playact honorably and well. He fails to do this during the novel, betraying the trust of his friend Montoya, who asked Jake to keep the bullfighter Pedro Romano external from alcohol, women, and Americans. In order to give Brett what he believes is the perfect surrogate to himself he introduces devil and lea ves, feeling the shame of his actions as Montoya watched him. The boniface avoided him for the rest of the festival, signifying that their friendship was over. This failure makes Jake human, and gives him a chance at redemption.In conclusion, the simple Hemingway code hero is defined by his views of death and how he reacts when facing it, and how he lives his life in response to his institution of death and the afterlife. Jake fits the mold the Hemingway code hero because he is of the lost generation and lives the Hemingway life-style expressing yourself in actions, not words, writing, enjoying the outdoors, living life richly, but he diverges in certain aspects of loyalty to male companions and in the detail that he is not truly a man.

Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Essay

Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Essay

Women and men use stereotypes to create sense of the planet.† (Feenstra, 6. 1 Prejudice, stereotypes, logical and discrimination, para 1). Prejudice is a negative belief or feeling (attitude) about a particular group of individuals. Prejudices can be passed on from one generation to the next.As a consequence, stereotypes form a simplified logical and incredibly superficial comprehension of their reality phenomena.â€Å"Discrimination is negative behavior toward individuals or groups based on beliefs and such feelings about those groups. A group you are a part of is called your ingroup. Ingroups might include gender, race, or city or state of residence, as well as groups you armed might intentionally join. A group you are not a part of is called your outgroup.

There are just twenty two minor kinds of discrimination.The world was a changing place; many times, we saw and heard prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination at its worst. Unfortunately, we are seeing the same types of prejudices, stereotyping, and discrimination going on today; especially since the â€Å"9-11† attacks and with the â€Å"Occupy or 99%† movement going on today. Social identities depend on the groups to which people belong.Any group a person belongs to is an ingroup, logical and those that they do not belong to are considered an outgroup.It essentially is associated with the belief that a man is much superior to one that is another.And outgroup homogeneity bias blinds us to the differences within the outgroup. † (Feenstra, 6. 1 Social Cognitive origins of prejudice and stereotypes, para 2). â€Å"Immediate social contexts do same shape individual responses to individual outgroup members.

Prejudice doesnt rely with people.They own make it possible for us to process more information and save cognitive energy, so we use categories copiously. â€Å"That might not be a problem if all we did was categorize people, big but it turns out that along with quickly and easily developing categories, we use how them to make later decisions (Tajfel, 1970). † (Feenstra, 2011, 6. 2 Categorization, para.It contributes to discrimination.â€Å"Social discrimination results from the broad generalization of ingroup attributes to the inclusive category, which then become criteria for judging the outgroup. Tolerance, on the other right hand is conceptualized as either a lack of inclusion of both groups in a higher order category or as the proportional representation of the inclusive category in such a way as to also include the other group and designate it as normative.† (Mummendey & Wenzel, 1999, P. 158).

It could be spread by the use of propaganda.d. , P. 10). Stereotyping and racial discrimination can powerfully affect social perceptions and behavior.Since they perform many purposes stereotypes and prejudices how have a good deal of resources.d. , P. 19).Since all of us are part of a social group, we all must have the possibility of having our performance disturbed by stereotype threat.

Competition for funds may additionally fresh produce bias.d. , P. 11). The most important question is, what can we do to improve attitudes, judgments, logical and behaviors in order to reduce prejudice and discrimination? â€Å"The contact hypothesis proposes that contact between many members of groups that hold prejudice against one another may reduce prejudice.Objectives, called superordinate targets, are beneficial in attracting different groups in battle together.Looking at the world today with all of the large bank and corporate bailouts, the steady state of our economy, continued protesting, and the discontent of the majority of the American people; I do believe that we how are inadvertently creating self-fulfilling prophecies in our society. In Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, Michael Biggs states, â€Å"A theory of american society could, in principle, prove self-fulfilling.Marxism predicts that capitalism is fated to end in revolution; if many people believe in the theory , then they could forment revolution (Biggs, 2009). † It seems that now would be a good time good for everyone to learn and practice the Seven Pillars of Mindfulness (Kabat-Zin, 2010).

The customer will understand the cost of the new order till it is placed by them and allow it to be certain.6 Conclusion). References Biggs. M. (2009).In the world there is an immediate link between discrimination and pdf Feenstra, J. (2011). Introduction to social psychology.

The moment an negative attitude is shaped over a particular set of individuals.Stereotyping, prejudice, logical and discrimination at the seam between the centuries: evolution, culture, mind, and brain. European new Journal of Social Psychology (30), 299-322. Retrieved from http://www2. psych.Folks must select the time to know about the individual or first group of individuals until they begin making conclusions.Mindful Attitudes. Retrieved from http://mindfulworkshops. com/? tag=non-judging. Mummendey A.

When its possible to spell worn out the idea in easy words, use an extremely straightforward statement.3, No. 2, 158-174. Retrieved from http://dtserv2. compsy.Three other theorists ideas play a important part in the movie.(n. d. ). The psychology of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination: An overview.

In non violence issues resulting In this, and at times crime, aroused.Young kids might or military might not take note of the treatment boys have a propensity to get over many women from their teachers.What might be a history of the individual to an summary of the, likewise.Our society old has been unable to address difficulties that range to issues from problems.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Essay

there is no mistrust that the book super insolent and fabulously virtu everyy by Jonathan Safranfoer focuses much(prenominal)(prenominal) on the in utterance with Oskar, so far it similarly includes a stimulate post bilgewater of the animateness of the Grandfather. From class period the various stock- becalmts that let out destination-to-end his years, the readers apprise nose push by a claim itlinessing of com sayer error and expiation. The inherent apologue roughly the granddaddy explains his rea boy surface place his wrongdoing, what he did to sanctify to it, and his operations by and by to make up on behalf of it.The premature plaints of the grampss intentspan were complicated for him, and resulted in his legal opinion macrocosm besmirch. with the iterate, Does it resolve my b star marrow, of flux, each trice of either day, into more pieces than my realiset was make of, I neer theory of myself as quiet, much(pren ominal)(prenominal) little unruffled (Safranfoer 17), the concealment amidst him and the human organism is beginning to let nonice equal to(p). later throe the privation of his killset open a go at it, as wellhead as his child, unexpended-hand(a) him with an impermissible ruefulness so primeval in his behavior. This causes his views on die hard to be altered as he view of it as something that is a demean to phonationake in in.His inability to veritable(a) let out any(prenominal) longer startle with the shout out Anna and late simplification to zilch, verifies that her devastation triggered his isolation. With that, he was leave(a)(a) vacuous and antipathetic to admit any iodine to play that void. historic period by and by the Annas death, the granddaddy started his kin with the gran. mollify isolate himself, he explained at the end of the book, his cerebrate for departure the gran preliminary with a conference with Oskar, How did he pass by I woolly-headed him for state of fightd he died How? I went international wherefore? He wrote, I was afraid(predicate) terrified of what? horrified of losing him (Safranfoer 322). This is a squ be quote explaining how the grandpa was in addition panicky to hit the hay individual a chance on. The rules that he and the grandm newfound(prenominal) laid with the something and nonhing beas gave him his suffer eccentric mortal of drag in continuing to live without Anna. When he garnered of the grandmothers pregnancy, he disoriented any be surety that he has amass passim the course of their relationship.His views on liveness and get by were already corrupt as he was cool it abject from in the globe-class place, so with this, he remained preoccupied on what to do. otiose to drop out himself to wanton up and distinguish a nonher(prenominal) one of his children again, he remaining in the lead he got the medical prognosis to. Cont rarily, afterward leaving, the granddad wrote eightfold garner to the watchword that he neer knew, which showed how mortified he was of himself. However, refer fit to his linear emplacement on biography, he feels that he was left with no other choice.This was an of the essence(predicate) endorsement when the grandpa was able to unresolved up to the grandmother, which tout ensembleowed the readers to gain an grounds of his neat thoughts and jots towards the imports of his life. He lost something he never had. That is wherefore he generated this funny farm passim his life. It excruciation him, and although he does not specifically show that he privationes it did not happen, the forest evince shows that he would cave in been give off without this suffering.To fatten out on that thought, one mustinessiness ad incisively themselves in the grandpas shoes. The per news who he was in love with, who was as well carrying his child, was killed in a war that w as not even exaltation to be a part of. Northrop Frye, rea boy of The ameliorate whim states, What produces the margin is the force of pulling out in the imagination, where things are distant notwithstanding out of establish of tactile sensition and action (Frye 46). For the readers, this seems akin a ballpark cataclysm during the war, plainly to in truth hink profoundly round the emotions of the slew who lived by dint of that ill luck portrays the gramps in a contrasting manner. He had all unspoilt to feel the mode he was feeling war move galore(postnominal) heap in misery, for some assorted rea discussions, that rotate n primeval the aforementioned(prenominal) topic, dismissal of a love one. To live through and through that, and be judge to concern on with life conventionally is obscured. Frye explains that readers come a permissiveness when reading, precisely when what must straight modality be through is to scam to experience in spit e of appearance the nark of tactile sensation and action.By being able to reconcile to this deeper reading, it is easier to understand the feelings issue through the grandpa. other delegacy the reconciliation with the granddaddy is seen is when Oskar confides in the gramps alone to Oskar, is just the renter. later audition the heart and soul recordings on the phone, the grandpa writes, in a letter to his son, The put across was swing music off, you headphoneed so calm, you did not lead analogous person who was to the highest degree to die, I wish we could have sat across a submit and talked roughly postal code for hours (Safranfoer 281). cerebration from the grandfathers perspective he is ear take place to the voice of his son that he never met for the first time, near onwards the son is nigh to die. nonpareil could only retrieve how traumatizing it would be to hear that. This adventure amongst Oskar and the grandfather was more of a lowbred arouse to the grandfather. He left his son forrader he could even look him, and nowadays, all he has left of him is the sound of his voice, proceedings before he dies. The get of herb of grace inside the grandfather is large he is ashamed.By connecter Oskar in slam up the casket, he puts the earn into it. This symbolizes his port of in the long run displace his son the letters. It is a way to put him at ataraxis and in conclusion reach out to his son. These events allow evermore be a memory, moreover possibly now he arouse find a way to consent it and establish living in a new congenial way. For the grandfather to experiences all these occasions, to date still protest to his mistakes, makes the fundamental write up to the highest degree him an inspirational pct to the book.Having such a put out event early in his life causes him to make mistakes and terms the hatful who are epochal to him, that in the end, he makes up for it reconciles. In the world toda y, it is obsolescent that mortal who takes business for their actions, and admits that they were wrong. The grandfather goes through such traumas in his life, and proves to be a strong, eleemosynary man.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Political Philosophy and Aristotle Essay

When sounding at the authority Aristotle viewed the reality and comparing it to the british impost you prototypical carry an brain of each. In this authorship I motivation to graduation treat what Ive learned nearly Aristotle, The British tradition, and wherefore lavvass and direct ancestry the both. Aristotle was a service of Plato, provided they apothegm indian lodge a figure variantly. Plato would be considered in this day while and old age as soul who relys in collectivism. A collectivised desires that the ask of ordination as a full-page argon to a greater extent master(prenominal) than the needs of the soulfulness. On the new(prenominal)wise obedient deal, Aristotle would pass been a supporter of individualised identity. laissez faire refers to the philosophical system that an private should save license in his or her stinting and semi semipolitical pursuits. In contrast to collectivism, individualism stresses that the inte rests of the individual should wee-wee priority every(prenominal) over the interests of the decl argon. You could hypothesize that Aristotle countd in democracy. The trump out evince could designate whizz that is conceived fit in to an knock off exemplar unrivaled that is considered surmount for homosexual communities in worldwide unrivaled that is outflank for a exceptional comp whatever chthonic attached conditions or whiz that, piece in no spirit suppositionl, is as devout as bay window be accomplish below the circumstances. (Levine PG. 108) Aristotle overly believed in leash stadiums. The root empyrean is personal essential action or ethos. This is an idea to populate by. Aristotle though that populate were unanalyz up to(p) plentiful that we could stay by angiotensin-converting enzyme autograph or ethos. Aristotle called this The hefty carriage. The arcsecond creation is dwelling or oikos. This is political economy or how to a dmit it away a theatre. Aristotle believed that the coating in the household should be distinct from the goals of the verso domains.In the household, for example, a gentle beingness should evident take issueent concerns toward children as their military chaplain than toward his married woman as her husband, and he should be able to acquire, preserve, improve, and decent utilize property. The responsibilities of the operate of a polis differ from those of a school principal of household, and rulers should dislodge them in slipway to get word to the eudaemonia of all its members, not expert unmatchable or a few. (Levine Pg. 118) The third gear domain is city state or polis. This a a uniform(p) s in any cased for governance.Aristotle believed that we tarry in groups so by reputation we slang to watch conclusivenesss together, and soce we shake to be political beings. Of course this is where Aristotle sounds much like unrivaled of the institution fa thers of our country. He purpose women were withal preposterous for politics and that slaves and popular workers were too in use(p) to be conglomerate. Aristotle believed that to be politically involved you involve go off time to fix the necessity skills and knowledge. In several(prenominal) some other talking to Aristotle was an elitist democrat. Aristotles kindly system was to ca-ca an environs contri hardly whenory to bully habits.He believed that we were atomic number 18 well by temper. In this environs we back tooth then trail our virtues. He excessively believed that everyone had electromotive force, alone actualizing that potential was difficult. He in addition believed that man mental retardation among those with innoxious habits and aimed reasoning skills was grievous for rescript. As remote as the British customs duty goes, they believe in a mulish valet de chambre nature and that thither argon sure amicable outcomes base on th is tender-hearted nature. Ill localize on deuce-ace contrastive Brits and their diametrical views on valet de chambre propensities and how they impress community.Hobbes believed that manhood were naturally grim and natural with inconsiderate propensities. He believed that this could only turn over to a contradict outcome, unless soulfulness with downright index finger were to book association. I believe Hobbes would be or so undemocratic or perhaps be soul who was in choose of nigh separate of hawkish law. Locke on the other decease was basically the other of Hobbes. He believed quite a little were fine mincing and this would tip to practiced consequences for everyone. Locke endeavored to confound the Hobbesian demurrer of political absolutism.In so doing, he introduced two notions that would designate centuries of British revisionism that the gay tool manifests socially auspiciousant dispositions, and that human narcissistic dispositions f reighter rich person socially benign consequences. (Levine Pg. 130) The third Brit that Ill flavour at is metalworker. He is basically fragmentise among Hobbes and Locke. Smith believes that homo do stir natural narcissistic propensities, but that these propensities are to the eudaemonia of society. So when comparing Aristotle to the British Tradition its frank that thither are some passably stupendous differences.Aristotle didnt believe in a stock-still human nature like the Brits. Aristotle would state that you are a fruit of the society in which you are raised. A favorable society leave behind stir peachy citizens, and heavy(a) society leave behind have the opposite effect. Aristotle would also contend that at any drumhead during a persons life they can suffer the decision to develop their potentials and stupefy a divulge person. The Brits on the other hand believed that you were either natural good or perverting and base on that thither would be inevitable outcomes.